Monday, July 19, 2010

Bedbugs: The Lighter Side

People's reactions in the reports that the Victoria's Secret in New York City's Midtown recently had a bedbug infestation were quite amusing (story link). It seems that bedbugs at home, the office or in hotels seem understandable, but who would expect the bloodsucking critters to turn up in your panties and bras? Most people reacted with shock and horror and said that they would not shop in that store, or if they had, they would return their merchandise for a refund.

This just shows how widespread the problem has become. No building, shop, airplane, suitcase is immune to the possibility of housing bedbugs and the stealth, sometimes microscopic insects are master travelers. It reminds one of the H1N1 virus a little in how it spread from one place in the world to another; except there's no vaccine. However, one can detect if they have bedbugs in their home. Early detection is key. Using a product like CatchMaster BBEDS is an effective way of detecting bedbugs in your home or when you're away. To learn more, go to

Image: Francesco Marino /

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